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1. According to Ayurveda, certain foods should never be consumed with milk.
We often worry about what to eat when, but the appropriate food combination is an important component that most of us miss. While milk is classified as a whole food in textbooks, we all like pairing it with our favorite cookies, fruits, and even complete meals. However, according to Ayurveda, milk can be a disaster if consumed in the improper combinations.


2.?What are some examples of bad combinations?

“A lot of people take milk and bananas together and consider it a meal,” says Ayurvedacharya Dr Pratap Chauhan. Ayurveda, on the other hand, forbids this combination.” “Incompatible foods are harmful,” he added, clarifying. Agni, or the digestive fire in the human gut, is in charge of breaking down the food we eat. It is impacted by accelerants and inhibitors in the same way that a regular fire is. If you add fuel to a fire, it will burn faster and will be extinguished by water. In a similar way, the internal fire (Agni) operates. The digesting process becomes weakened when we ingest foods that overload Agni. As a result, ama (toxins) develop, which is the root of all diseases.” When you combine incompatible meals, Agni becomes weakened. Milk is a nutrient-dense food, as long as it isn’t combined with unsuitable ingredients. The following foods should not be consumed with milk:

Bananas are among the most popular fruits in the world.

Cherries –

– Any fruit with a sour taste (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, tamarind, amla, green apples, plums, star fruit, pineapple, etc)

– Items containing yeast

– Meat, eggs, and fish


– Frozen yogurt

– legumes

– Radicchio


3. The healthiest way to consume milk

On its own, milk, ideally fresh cow milk, is the easiest and best way to consume it. Taste and nutritional value are enhanced by honey, jaggery, or sugar. Mix and match these to your liking, but don’t mix them with anything else.

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1. The advantages of potato juice

Have you ever heard that potatoes are good for you? Isn’t that correct? You might be surprised to learn that there is something called potato juice that is good for your skin. Drinking potato juice is a lesser-known usage of the vegetable, and it will not only keep you healthy but also guilt-free! Potato juice, which is high in minerals and vitamins, is unexpectedly effective in decreasing cholesterol, preventing wrinkles, and alleviating back discomfort. Potato juice can be used in a variety of ways, from applying it to a specific body location to consuming it. Potato juice has a number of health benefits that you may not be aware of.


2. What is the definition of potato juice?

It’s the liquid obtained from a raw potato. It’s high in nutrients and minerals, and it’s said to be extremely healthful. Potato juice is recognized to be a good source of vitamin B and C, and it decreases the need for supplements. It has a bland flavor and a starchy texture, and it can be mixed with other vegetable liquids to improve the flavor.


3. Booster of energy

Potato juice is a great way to enhance your energy levels. Thiamine is abundant in this juice, which aids in the conversion of carbs into useful energy.


4. It slows down the aging process

Potato juice contains antioxidants that assist to reduce wrinkles and age spots. This potato juice is also a fantastic choice for skin moisturization, according to research.


5. Immune system booster

Vitamin C is abundant in potato juice, which is vital for disease prevention. As a result, you can boost your immune system by drinking a glass of potato juice every day.


6. It hydrates dehydrated skin

If your skin is dry, you should take a glass of potato juice every day to stay hydrated. For optimal results, you can apply it directly to the skin.


7. It helps to improve blood circulation

As previously said, potato juice is a good source of vitamin B because it contains niacin, which enhances oxygenation in many sections of the body and so improves blood circulation.


8. It gets rid of imperfections and dark spots.

You can use a clean cotton ball to apply potato juice straight to the affected region to erase dark spots and blemishes. Allow the juice to dry before washing it away. Try this exercise for a few days to observe how it affects you.


9. It aids digestion

Potato juice is good for your digestive system. Potato juice can assist to reduce inflammation in the intestines while also aiding digestion. This aids in the relief of bloating and constipation.


10. Beneficial for Eczema

Eczema is a skin ailment that causes itching and causes your skin to turn red. It is caused by severe dryness in your skin. One of the most effective home treatments for it is potato juice. Because there is no study to back up this claim, you should always get medical advice before using it.


11. Promotes faster wound healing

Potato juice contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which aids in the healing of scar tissues, as well as tissue repair and bone formation.


12. A word of warning

Individuals may react to the juice in different ways. As a result, you should not consume this juice without first consulting a qualified medical professional. Also, limit yourself to a spoonful of juice per day and only buy organic potatoes.

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1. Is ice cream truly harmful to the human body?

When it comes to ice cream, no one wants to settle for a cup or a scoop. It’s one of those sweet, delectable, and never-ending delights. It has a seductive combination of cream, cold, and comfort, according to psychologists, which makes you want more! If you like ice cream, you’ll grasp the depth, but there’s a school of thought that says it’s terrible for your health. To learn the other side of the tale, scroll down.


2. Is ice cream good for you?

It is inaccurate to claim that ice cream is healthful due to its high sugar and fat content. Experts say moderation is the key, and if you’re not sure why, consider the following considerations.


3. Calorically dense

Each dish of chocolate ice cream has approximately 250-300 calories. Keeping in mind the daily calorie consumption of an adult body, 3-4 servings in a day is more than half of your daily calorie intake.


4. Fattening

According to the American Heart Association, daily fat levels should not exceed 5 to 6%, however a single serving of ice cream (105 gms) includes around 15-19 g of fat.


5. Flow of sugar

The American Heart Association recommends a daily limit of 24 g of added sugar for women and 36 g for men when it comes to sugar consumption. You’ll be astonished to learn that each serving of ice cream (105 gms) contains approximately 23 g of sugar.


6. Trehalose is present

Ice cream contains Trehalose, an artificial sugar that serves as a sweetener and a texturizing agent, according to the National Institutes of Health. It’s been connected to a nasty gut infection that can lead to a variety of health issues.


7. Is it even healthy


If you think there is nothing positive about ice cream after reading all of the disadvantages, let us assure you that it is one of the best ways to make you happy. It has been demonstrated that it raises serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter known as the “feel-good hormone.” It also has calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which assist to keep blood pressure in check.


8. Verdict

Experts agree that moderation is the key. It is recommended that you consume half a cup of ice cream per day.

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1. It’s all about the honey

Honey, whether you call it a natural sweetener or a flavor enhancer, is a readily available product that is also nutritious! It’s not just a sweetener; it’s so much more. It has a lengthy history and is regarded as an all-rounder of nature’s best treatments due to its therapeutic characteristics. This sweet nectar’s flavor and texture make it ideal for a wide range of recipes. You may have only seen one or two types of honey up to this point, each with its own texture and color that varies depending on the processing processes and medicinal application. However, the content of honey can vary based on the source of the nectar, resulting in differences in texture and flavor. Today, there are over 300 different types of honey on the market, each with its own set of health benefits. Here is a guide to the various types of honey that will help you determine which one is the best.


2. What is the process of making honey?

Honeybees feed on the sweet nectar of various flowers, which is what this natural sweetener is made of. The honeybees store the nectar in their honey stomachs and bring it back to their hives. They refine the honey in the hive to evaporate all of the water (by constantly fanning their wings) before storing it in the honeycombs. Pure honey is produced in the honeycombs.


3. Interesting facts about honey

This delectable yet mystical stuff is far more than you could imagine. Believe it or not, there are some fascinating honey facts that most people are unaware of. Honey, if kept in an airtight jar, is said to never spoil. You might also be astonished to learn that honey bees must collect nectar from two million blossoms to generate one pound of honey. A honey bee is the only creature that generates food that is consumed by humans, which is a fascinating and surprising fact about honey.


4. Honey from Jamun

It is made from Jamun extracts and has a low glycaemic index, making it suitable for diabetic individuals.


5. Litchi Honey

This is a gluten-free honey substitute. This honey is quite light and comes from the organic litchi orchards in Muzaffarpur (UP) in India. This honey can be used to treat digestive problems.


6. Honey made from Eucalyptus

This honey is made from eucalyptus flowers and has a pleasant woody flavor. It is well-known for its ability to relieve minor coughs, chest congestion, headaches, and digestive issues.


7. Clover Honey

This honey is a form of traditional honey with flowery and sweet aromas. This honey is known for its therapeutic powers and contains a large amount of antioxidants. This honey can also assist to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. “Honey is helpful for health since it is thought that honey mobilizes stored fat,” says Mr. Samarth Garg, Founder of HoneyTub. When fat is burned while doing daily duties, it aids in weight loss. Because lemon juice is high in Vitamin C, honey mixed with lemon juice boosts fat metabolism.”

8. Honey from Acacia

It’s a delicious, pure honey made from the Black Locust tree in the United States. This honey is renowned among honey lovers because it contains more fructose and less sugar, making it the greatest choice for diabetic people.


9. Honey with Rosemary

Rosemary honey is a pale golden color with a strong sweet flavor. It’s generally used in cosmetics to keep the skin moisturized. Not only that, but it also aids in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders and digestive problems.


10. Honey with Lavender

Lavender honey is a pale yellow honey with a floral, woody scent. It’s one of the lightest-tasting honeys with interesting qualities. This honey contains tyrosine, a type of amino acid that is essential for brain function. This honey can also improve your mood while lowering your depression.


11. Manuka Honey

Bees make this honey by pollinating the blossoms of the Manuka shrub, which is native to New Zealand. The antimicrobial and wound-healing qualities of this honey are well-known. In comparison to other honeys, this one has a caramel-like texture and a medicinal flavor.


12. White Honey

It’s one of the more uncommon honey varieties, with a milder flavor than other honey varieties. This honey comes from the blooms of sage, alfalfa, and white clover, and has a very light amber color, contrary to its name. Kiawe honey is a unique white honey that is offered in its natural state and has a creamy white texture. This honey is recommended for baking and digestive problems.



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